Wednesday, January 29, 2014


In May 1851 Amelia Bloomer, in her progressive and controversial pants, introduced Susan B. Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton on a street corner in Seneca Falls, NY.

The costume of women should be suited to her wants and necessities.
- Amelia Bloomer

Suffrage is the pivotal right.
- Susan B. Anthony 

The best protection any woman can have... is courage.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Shared forThematic Photographic 279 - Threesies, hosted by Carmi of Written, Inc.


  1. This covers the theme well!.. Women are powerful w/their strength..

  2. A unique threesie. Now I shall have to find out more about them.

  3. Those are great! But if those are actually bloomers - I suppose more a divided skirt, then I really can't see what all the fuss was about!

  4. How interesting, what a great threesies post to share. Lovely photos.

  5. Well, I will have to stop Seneca Falls the next time we go down to the US! Thanks for this photo of three remarkable women. Amongst the first feminists in the US I suspect.

  6. Great shots, doug.

    P.S. For the first time, a cardinal visited the seed feeder here in the woods!
